And as you watch the amalgam from a distance, every scale, hair, and limb is held on oh so dearly to this abomination. Don't try to flay this mystic creature, you will return embarrassed.

The otherkin community's views on what counts as a reasonable belief has changed overtime. Fictionkin and factkin are accepted, and lots of new terms who help people give a name to their experiences have sprouted up in the past few years. Yet as we discover new topics, there is still lots of things we have not discussed in depth that deserve such discussions. Flickers, loss of kintypes, polymorphs, so much that are important to people trying to figure out who they are, but are rarely discussed within the community.

A majority of the topics I listed with a lack of discussion are incredibly important to people in the fictionkin community, and I would like to shine a light on said topics. I'll keep the majority of writings here not too long so they're digestible for newer people in the community. I will also provide links to additional sources if I can if people wish to learn more about a certain topic discussed here.

This is a puzzle with writings sprinked in. I'll add a table of contents soon so if you're here solely for writings, you don't have to dig through everything. Don't worry, it won't be too hard to figure out. Just take your time and have fun.

Click one of the images below to begin.

This website is currently a heavy WIP. This website is inspired by Eht Namuh and the majority of images on this site are from Eht Namuh. I have another website here which can give you a better insight into myself.